The classic "pleasure paradox"! Everyone has unique preferences and boundaries when it comes to sexual activities. Oral sex may simply not be your cup of tea. You have to first figure out what is your reason to not like giving oral sex to your husband, specially knowing how enjoyable it can be. If you're not loving the oral symphony, here's a simple roadmap for finding harmony.
- Are you feeling self-conscious or uncomfortable about performing oral sex due to your body image concerns or worries about your skills.
- Are there any negative past experiences or associations with oral sex?
- Is there a lack of communication?
- Are you concerned about your husband’s hygiene, taste, or smell?
Here’s what you can do?
- Talk with your husband honestly and kindly.
- Try different techniques and explore what feels good for you and your partner. It's like discovering a new flavour at an ice cream parlour – you never know what might tickle your taste buds!
- Use a dental dam if that helps. It’s recommended anyways.
Remember, pleasure is a two-way street, so find a middle ground where both partners feel satisfied.